Monday, 28 October 2013

New Name, New Start

Long time, No see?

Heres the rundown of what I've been up to since we last spoke.

  • I graduated school.
  • Completed a 5 week internship.
  • Started a new job, which means I now have two. Leaving me with hardly any time to think about what I want to publish onto here. That being said, I do have a few ideas...i Just need to get a new camera.
Did I just say new ideas?? YES!

you may have also noticed I changed the name of this blog (once again! I'm sorry!!)
26 Pine.

The main reason for chaining the title of the blog was to give myself a simpler name to identify myself. m33shl was a bit awkward. Now I'm that girl from 26 pine. 

What is 26 Pine?

This is the street address of the house I grew up, I don't live there anymore, so don't get any crazy idea looking up 26 pine anywheres in Nova Scotia.

I'm excited to start this journey again and get back into doing what I love most which is to write.

I hope you're excited too!

follow me on 
instagram @heyymichelle 
and twitter @m33shl_

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